Masterpiece Acadmey 5/31/17
Beatrice J
- The Suicide Project
- Suicide- The act of intentionally taking one's own life.
- In America about 44,193 people lose their life.
- About 21 people die in a day. More men take their life than woman. Ratio of 4:1.
- 24% of high school students have thought about it.
- Some causes
- -bully
- -fincial problem
- -Family
- -school
- -Depression
- Some Waring signs- display it/ talking about it/ using drugs/ felling in a trap/ performing poorly in school/work
- Video-
- How to help some one that is suicidal?
- Telling them that they are important and to dont listen to the people that will only hurt them
- Watch 13 reasons why and other movies about suicide
Victoria D
- Why are woman judged for sleeping around and men are not.
- Why do we do it?
- We do it because we were learned to judge. Woman's are called names and other things.
- Men are only called players and they get a pat on the back when they do it.
- Men say " hit it and quite it".
- Why do we teach younger kids for the decisions they make.
- Its better to be educated about it than to not and to be safe.
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