Tuesday, April 25, 2017


1) My masterpiece topic is Math/Physics.

2) One thing that I did over the break to explore my topic was, doing math problems and read about Physics.

3) Something new that I learned over the break by exploring my topic was about magnetism and that the three elements that can be magnetic are iron, cobalt, and nickel. [I also learned that in a magnet there is always a south and a north pool, so if you have a magnet and you break it there it will always have two pools a positive and a negative pool.]

4) One connection that I see between this course and my topic is about the book  Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, that is that all science ideas comes from Sci-fiction because in Fahrenheit 451 that was written in the past had a lot of ideas like earphones that now exist.

5) The next thing that I will be doing is reviewing and doing more practice problems for Math/Physics and learning more about my topic.

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